They talked a lot, but never communicated, never look into the eyes of each other冰冷的念白单调的表情应该影响了布列松// There's nothing else in life but youth and love, unending tenderness and quiet happiness. When i'm near the grave and look back on my life, I'll say to myself,I suffered much and often made mistakes, but I have loved.Yesterday I ordered the headstone for my grave and i decided what shall be on it. Just two words: Amor Omnia. Love is All
Episode1 让我们这些逃脱这种命运的唯有相互扶持成龙电影在线观看相信我别指望他人会伸出援手 祈祷我们祈祷 Episode8 精彩情节冲突人物裂变都集中在这里看着超过瘾 “他们不是因为恨我们而杀人而是因为他们恨自己爱上我们的意义” Episode9 本来免费就能获得的孤独感为什么你要拿钱买呢——我不是拿钱来买孤独我是拿钱来买痛苦的期望 如果你觉得膨胀了就去海边盯着看看就会感到自己的渺小 看到你在月光下闪耀的样子我才能死而无憾 Episode10 舞会的全部真谛在于提醒你你并不孤单 是时候让你拥抱完整的自己了 The world doesn't change, people change it. Love, faith, hope. (p.s.期待第三季)